"è assolutamente evidente che l'arte del cinema si ispira alla vita, mentre la vita si ispira alla TV"
Woody Allen

Il cinema non è un mestiere. È un'arte. Non significa lavoro di gruppo. Si è sempre soli; sul set così come prima la pagina bianca. E per Bergman, essere solo significa porsi delle domande. E fare film significa risponder loro. Niente potrebbe essere più classicamente romantico.
Jean-Luc Godard

Monday, January 13, 2014

News: The best 10 movies according to France

According to Cahiers du Cinéma, one of the most important film rating magazine, the best movies broadcated in France during 2013 are:
10- La Bataille de Solferino (Justine Triet)
9- Les rencontres d'après minuit (Yann Gonzalez)
8- Nobody's Daughter Haewon (Hong Sang-soo)
7- La Jalousie (Philippe Garrel)
6- Lincoln (Steven Spielberg)
5- A touch of sin (Jia Zhang-Ke)
4- Gravity (Alfonso Cuaròn)
3- La vie d'Adèle - La vita d'Adele (Abdellatif Kechiche)
2- Spring Breakers (Harmony Korine)
1- L'inconnu du lac - Lo sconosciuto del lago (Alain Guiraudie)
In my opinion this is a poor outline. The American movies like Lincoln, Gravity and Spring Breakers are lousy: none of these is innovative, maybe they have some qualities, like the human birth analogy in Gravity or the portrait of the new generation like Spring Breakers even if The Bling Ring is better. The French ones like La vie d'Adèle and L'inconnu du lac are about homosexual love, a current theme, but both the directors have focused on a wrong side of this kind of love, in fact hard scenes are not necessary and they can make the film superficial and intentionally controversial.

Now here are the Liquid Cinema's suggestions: indeed, there are no shining stars, but remarkable movies. 
  • La Grande Bellezza by Sorrentino, quite shining star: Italy is sketched as a dramatic poetry thanks to the main character and his thoughts.
The others are only good movies, without revolutionary ideas. 

  • The Great Gatsby by Baz Luhrmann is faithful to Fitzgerald novel and to its spirit against social convention, but it's innovative in soundtracks and setting. 
  • The Bling Ring by Sofia Coppola is the best portrait of 2013 on the new generation. 

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